论文 Incremental Learning of Object Detectors without Catastrophic Forgetting 代码食用指南




大神作者自己拿 TensorFlow 纯手写了一个 Fast RCNN,但是却几乎没有留下代码食用指南。

经过几天的跳坑,终于运行成功,遂在 Issue 里发手记。顺便搬运到博客里。

[Tutorial] How to run the code…

What is the most distressing thing in life?

Not money, not paper, but the author released their fantastic code while you do not know how to run it.

So, this tutorial records how I run the code incremental detectors using VOC 2007 dataset.


  1. Install Tensorflow 1.5 (conda install tensorflow-gpu==1.5)
  2. Install Matlab
  3. Clone the code
  4. Make folders: datasets,resnet
  5. Download the pre-trained weights of backbone

Download dataset

Well, nothing to say.

Then, make a soft link ln -s XXXX/VOCdevkit ./datasets/voc/VOCdevkit/

Finally, create a folder mkdir -p ./datasets/voc/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/EvalCache/, or you will get an error when evaluating.

Generate proposals


  1. cd into the code folder
  2. git clone https://github.com/pdollar/edges
  3. Download https://pdollar.github.io/toolbox/archive/piotr_toolbox.zip and unzip it
  4. Open compute_edgeboxes.m. Comment the COCO part, uncomment VOC part. Change paths. Notice that the result folder should be EdgeBoxesProposals
  5. cd edges and compile it follow the instructions:
  mex private/edgesDetectMex.cpp -outdir private '-DUSEOMP' CXXFLAGS="\$CXXFLAGS -fopenmp" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
  mex private/edgesNmsMex.cpp    -outdir private '-DUSEOMP' CXXFLAGS="\$CXXFLAGS -fopenmp" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
  mex private/spDetectMex.cpp    -outdir private '-DUSEOMP' CXXFLAGS="\$CXXFLAGS -fopenmp" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
  mex private/edgeBoxesMex.cpp   -outdir private '-DUSEOMP' CXXFLAGS="\$CXXFLAGS -fopenmp" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
  1. Run compute_edgeboxes.m . It will take a looooooooooooooong time

PS: the toolbox says that it can process images at the speed of 60fps, but in my machine, 0.6 FPS. :sob: 6 hours for VOC, and 37+ hours for COCO.

Make tfrecord

Well, next, generate tfrecord files.

Open datasets.py, in the end, you can see the __main__. Modify it, or just stay them unchanged.

If your split is not called train, val, trainval or test (For me, I call them train_step_1, test_step_1 and so on), delete the assert in VOCLoader.

Then, run this file.

The result files will show in the datasets folder.

Run the code! hahaha

For example, I want to train (5+5+5+5) classes.

To start the first session, run

python3 frcnn.py \
    --run_name=voc_5 \
    --num_classes=5 \
    --dataset=voc07 \
    --max_iterations=40000 \
    --action=train,eval \
    --eval_ckpts=40k \
    --learning_rate=0.001 \
    --lr_decay 30000 \

And for the following sessions:

python3 frcnn.py sigmoid \
    --run_name=voc_10 \
    --num_classes=5 \
    --extend=5 \
    --dataset=voc07 \
    --max_iterations=40000 \
    --action=train,eval \
    --eval_ckpts=40k \
    --learning_rate=0.0001 \
    --sigmoid \
    --pretrained_net=voc_5 \
    --distillation \

python3 frcnn.py sigmoid \
    --run_name=voc_15 \
    --num_classes=10 \
    --extend=5 \
    --dataset=voc07 \
    --max_iterations=40000 \
    --action=train,eval \
    --eval_ckpts=40k \
    --learning_rate=0.0001 \
    --sigmoid \
    --pretrained_net=voc_10 \
    --distillation \

python3 frcnn.py sigmoid \
    --run_name=voc_20 \
    --num_classes=15 \
    --extend=5 \
    --dataset=voc07 \
    --max_iterations=40000 \
    --action=train,eval \
    --eval_ckpts=40k \
    --learning_rate=0.0001 \
    --sigmoid \
    --pretrained_net=voc_15 \
    --distillation \

And you can notice that this code only use the first GPU.

BTW: you should change the parameter, like 40K, to your own!!!

Use on my own dataset

Personally, it is easy to convert other dataset formats to VOC format. Isn’t it?

So, the first step, convert your dataset! (For me, I convert COCO to VOC)

Then, replace the class names in voc_loader.py.

Then, search 20 through all codes, and replace into your class numbers. (For me, 20 to 80)

Finally, run python3 dataset.py to generate tfrecord files, and train the net.

WARNING: Maybe you should write a script to re-start training after it crashes due to the annoying NaN loss……

import argparse
import subprocess

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='To prevent loss Nan')
parser.add_argument("inc_cls", type=int, help='Inc')
parser.add_argument("step", type=int, help='Step')
parser.add_argument("--session", type=int, help='Session', default=0)
parser.add_argument("--iters", type=int, help='Iters', default=20000)
parser.add_argument("--learning_rate", type=float, help='Learning rate', default=0.0001)
parser.add_argument("--decay", type=int, help='Iters', default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()

cmd = [
    "--run_name=voc_{}{}".format(args.inc_cls * (args.step + 1), args.session),
    "--num_classes={}".format(args.inc_cls * (args.step + int(args.step == 0))),
if args.decay:
        "--lr_decay={}".format(int(args.iters * args.decay * 0.01))
if args.step > 0:
        "--pretrained_net=voc_{}{}".format(args.inc_cls * args.step, args.session),

print(" ".join(cmd))

result = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
while result.returncode != 0:
    result = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)

And I think that something wrong in network.py when distilling. So I use

cached_classes = self.subnet.num_classes

in compute_distillation_crossentropy_loss() and compute_distillation_bbox_loss() functions in network.py.

UPDATE 30/11/2018

I noticed that if we train the net Verry Well in the last session, the net is easy to get Nan or Inf loss at the start of next session. Use a smaller learning rate (e.g. 2e-5 rather than 1e-3) will solve this phenomenon to some extent.

Thank you again for the amazing code, and have fun.



  1. 祝智强-东南大学自动化 的头像


  2. 祝智强-东南大学自动化 的头像


    一个是 训练的时候 loss 很小了(约0.2),acc基本等于1了,为什么测试效果很差呢!

    一个是 加入新类训练 一会 loss就无穷大了,停止训练。

  3. yanangu 的头像

    你好,我按照教程跑完之后发现结果非常低,远低于论文水平 ,测试阶段有什么需要注意的吗?

    1. 小金鱼儿 的头像


  4. 刘鑫 的头像

    你好,当我运行python3 frcnn.py sigmoid \
    –run_name=voc_10 \
    –num_classes=5 \
    –extend=5 \
    –dataset=voc07 \
    –max_iterations=40000 \
    –action=train,eval \
    –eval_ckpts=40k \
    –learning_rate=0.0001 \
    –sigmoid \
    –pretrained_net=voc_5 \
    –distillation \
    时,出现abnormal detected losstensor is inf or nan错误,请问您有什么解决办法吗?

    1. 小金鱼儿 的头像



    2. 刘鑫 的头像


    3. 小金鱼儿 的头像


  5. QI 的头像


    1. 小金鱼儿 的头像



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