跑一个 Linpack 测试




Linpack Benchmark 是一个用来衡量计算机性能的指标,其原理是使用 CPU 做大量的矩阵计算。



# 好像目前最新的可以从这里下载 https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-mkl-benchmarks-suite 不知道一样不一样

# download
wget ${URL} -O /tmp/l_lpk.tgz

# extract
tar -xzf /tmp/l_lpk.tgz -C /tmp/

# copy linpack to /usr/share directory
cp -a /tmp/linpack_11.1.2/benchmarks/linpack/ /usr/share/

# create soft links to executables
ln -sf /usr/share/linpack/runme_xeon64 /usr/sbin/
ln -sf /usr/share/linpack/xlinpack_xeon64 /usr/sbin/

# adjust path in runme_xeon64
sed -i s'|./xlinpack_$arch lininput_$arch|/usr/sbin/xlinpack_$arch /usr/share/linpack/lininput_$arch|g' /usr/sbin/runme_xeon64

# get CPU info
CPU=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | tail -1)
COUNT=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l)
echo "CPU : $CPU"
echo "COUNT : $COUNT"

# OPTIONAL: configure parameter
# export MKL_DYNAMIC=false
# export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4

# run


由于我的笔记本比较老了…… 所以后面的大数据测试没有跑完。太慢了……

This is a SAMPLE run script for SMP LINPACK. Change it to reflect
the correct number of CPUs/threads, problem input files, etc..
2016年 10月 06日 星期四 21:28:49 CST
Intel(R) Optimized LINPACK Benchmark data

Current date/time: Thu Oct  6 21:28:49 2016

CPU frequency:    3.092 GHz
Number of CPUs: 1
Number of cores: 2
Number of threads: 4

Parameters are set to:

Number of tests: 15
Number of equations to solve (problem size) : 1000  2000  5000  10000 15000 18000 20000 22000 25000 26000 27000 30000 35000 40000 45000
Leading dimension of array                  : 1000  2000  5008  10000 15000 18008 20016 22008 25000 26000 27000 30000 35000 40000 45000
Number of trials to run                     : 4     2     2     2     2     2     2     2     2     2     1     1     1     1     1    
Data alignment value (in Kbytes)            : 4     4     4     4     4     4     4     4     4     4     4     1     1     1     1    

Maximum memory requested that can be used=7200601024, at the size=30000

=================== Timing linear equation system solver ===================

Size   LDA    Align. Time(s)    GFlops   Residual     Residual(norm) Check
1000   1000   4      0.039      17.3422  1.029343e-12 3.510325e-02   pass
1000   1000   4      0.033      20.1128  1.029343e-12 3.510325e-02   pass
1000   1000   4      0.037      18.1989  1.029343e-12 3.510325e-02   pass
1000   1000   4      0.035      19.1910  1.029343e-12 3.510325e-02   pass
2000   2000   4      0.259      20.6123  4.298950e-12 3.739560e-02   pass
2000   2000   4      0.278      19.2107  4.298950e-12 3.739560e-02   pass
5000   5008   4      2.310      36.1031  2.581643e-11 3.599893e-02   pass
5000   5008   4      2.542      32.8051  2.581643e-11 3.599893e-02   pass
10000  10000  4      19.637     33.9594  9.603002e-11 3.386116e-02   pass
10000  10000  4      19.528     34.1494  9.603002e-11 3.386116e-02   pass
15000  15000  4      66.034     34.0800  2.042799e-10 3.217442e-02   pass
15000  15000  4      66.219     33.9851  2.042799e-10 3.217442e-02   pass
18000  18008  4      99.569     39.0549  2.894987e-10 3.170367e-02   pass
18000  18008  4      99.255     39.1785  2.894987e-10 3.170367e-02   pass
20000  20016  4      136.455    39.0908  4.097986e-10 3.627616e-02   pass
20000  20016  4      136.309    39.1327  4.097986e-10 3.627616e-02   pass
22000  22008  4      181.347    39.1493  4.548092e-10 3.331299e-02   pass
22000  22008  4      180.878    39.2510  4.548092e-10 3.331299e-02   pass
25000  25000  4      279.344    37.2942  6.089565e-10 3.462917e-02   pass
25000  25000  4      266.264    39.1262  6.089565e-10 3.462917e-02   pass
26000  26000  4      315.179    37.1811  6.669421e-10 3.506981e-02   pass
26000  26000  4      310.565    37.7335  6.669421e-10 3.506981e-02   pass
27000  27000  4      370.754    35.3967  6.672171e-10 3.253690e-02   pass
30000  30000  1      618.849    29.0892  8.421348e-10 3.319704e-02   pass

Performance Summary (GFlops)

Size   LDA    Align.  Average  Maximal
1000   1000   4       18.7112  20.1128 
2000   2000   4       19.9115  20.6123 
5000   5008   4       34.4541  36.1031 
10000  10000  4       34.0544  34.1494 
15000  15000  4       34.0325  34.0800 
18000  18008  4       39.1167  39.1785 
20000  20016  4       39.1118  39.1327 
22000  22008  4       39.2002  39.2510 
25000  25000  4       38.2102  39.1262 
26000  26000  4       37.4573  37.7335 
27000  27000  4       35.3967  35.3967 
30000  30000  1       29.0892  29.0892 

Residual checks PASSED

End of tests

Done: 2016年 10月 06日 星期四 22:36:48 CST


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