Flash Mi Phones in Ubuntu




Flash Mi Phones in Ubuntu


Cracy again? Oh yeah. I’m trying to change my OS from Windows to Ubuntu, so something should get used. For example, how to install software and uninstall software, how to use thecommand.

Now, this time the challenge is: flash my Mi Phone.

I used falsh my Mi1 in Windows using the tool called * MiPhone *( Or * MiFlash * ). It’s so convenoent but sometimes unconvenient: the first time you use it, you should reboot your PC into a special mode which disabled the * force dirver signature * to install Google’s Android driver. But after that, flash my Mi is so easy: unpackage the Rom, copy the path, click the “Refresh”, “Flash” — That’s it.

And I noticed that Mi Rom provided .bat file and .sh file. So, it must be as easy as it is in Windows to flah the devidie.

How To

0. Install Fastboot

sudo apt-get install android-tools-fastboot

1. Preparation

Backup your devide (or not~ It’s up to you).

Shutdown your device.

Press * Volumn Down * + * Camera * + * Power * to enter the * Fastboot Mode *

PS: Different Mi Phone have different ways to enter the Fastboot Mode.

2. Download the ROM

Go to the MIUI BBS to download the * Fastboot Package *. In the past, they are * .exe * files which can be unpackaged by Winrar. Now, they are * .tar.gz * package~ More convenient~

Unpackage it.

3. Flash it

There are several * .sh * files.
* If you want to clear everything, select * flash_all.sh *.
* If you just want to update your phone, select * flash_all_except_data_storage.sh *
* It seems that * flash_all_except_data_storage.sh * and * flash_all_except_storage.sh * have the same code. So, both is OK. But I prefer the former one.

sudo bash flash_all_except_data_storage.sh

Then enter your password.

Let the rom fly~

After a few seconds, your phone will reboot automently. Congratulations~

4. Errors

If you don’t see the result, please check if your * ndroid-tools-fastboot * is installed correctly.

If you see a error, please check if your Mi is connected with your computer correctly.



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